Monday, December 7, 2009

That boy is a monster ...

Another one bites the dust.... Sadly my friend Rich completely called it. Even worse is that I was in a toxic relationship and could very easily have just settled for it. I abandoned everything for him. I fell hard for someone at what appears like the worst time for us both. I trusted him and he pushed it, then he pulled the reins on it all. How do you tell someone you love them, then completely discount they're feeling when they say it back? Well, that was the beginning of the end. I need someone who sees me as an equal, not a child they can manipulate into staying with them. The worst part is that I know he is going through a rough time in his life and he never gave me the credit for realizing it. So, now I am stuck alone again in this terrible little town full of gossip queens and bullshit. I have enought to keep me busy for a while, but I need to figure out a way to either a) get him to come to terms with the fact we're broken up b) ignore all his attempts to contact me c) just act like him and pretend like nothing happened and we're automatically friends again. Well right now I'm going with ignoring him. I tried to be nice and have simply gotten a childish response. Well, I leave tis post with basically what this relationship was-

Look at him
Look at me
That boy is bad
And honestly
He’s a wolf in disguise
But I can’t stop staring in those evil eyes

I asked my girlfriend if she’d seen you round before
She mumbled something while we got down on the floor baby
We might’ve fucked not really sure, don’t quite recall
But something tells me that I’ve seen him, yeah

1 comment:

SirPercy said...

dude, so sorry to hear about all this. hope things start looking up soon. write me/call me if you feel like it or need to talk, otherwise i'll get the latest from the blog.
