Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If you're not drunk and half naked by this point, you're not paying attention...

Well, let me just say that 2010 has not been much easier than 2009. New Year's Eve dragged up every old piece of baggage between Ted and I. I don't think he has really forgiven me for everything that went down that night. Let's just say I need not to get black out drunk anymore because bad things just seem to happen and I don't know about them until the next morning when it's far too late. Did go see Sevendust and Lady Gaga that weekend, which were both a blast. Love concerts!  Well on the 4th Ted and I had our first talk since the meltdown one NYE and he proceeded to tell me just how terrible I had been even before the climax just after midnight. He asked me if I even considered him a friend... Well, the more I hear about the less I'm convinced he's willing to move on. Oh well, haven't really seen each other since then anyways. Skip forward the next weekend in January, where I actually had a real date. Like we went to dinner, talked and then headed seperate ways for the evening. It was very refreshing, it ended in a wonderfully unexpected kiss. Anyways, ended up going to another party with this this guy on Saturday which was really nice and low key (Friday was a game night, which ended up bein a bit of a wash thanks to monopoly). So we really hit things off, but there is not "that" feeling. We'll see, it's just nice and he's a great guy. I don't know what it is with me and these older guys, but yeah he's older than me. We'll see what happens.

School Started last week and I have not been so sick in a long time. Started with a sinus infection, then a swollen lymph node, followed by fever and weakness, and now thrush... i'm crumbling. I have not been sick like this for as long as I can remember. So i'm going for an HIV test ASAP, wish me luck. Havent actually been to a doctor in awhile, simply had the Zpak called in. Ugh... OK. That seems about right for the moment.

1 comment:

SirPercy said...

-thanks for the nice comment! tests have actually been going great, for once! :D my energy and mood have been a lot better since i started on the vitamin D, didn't realize how much i was missing.
-sounds like you are living the dream! lemme know if you have any questions with that stuff and i'll tell you "boy you crazy!" ...but seriously, good luck with that. trust me, even if it's "not med school" you may find it on par with whatever school you end up in, at least at first. my micro class in undergrad was much harder than the joke one we had here!
-hey, i hope i don't annoy you/creep you out by mentioning you on the blog. i'm trying to phase that out, but it's kinda my way of coping. it's weird not being like we used to be. in re: to your statement: you were totally worth my time, energy, and love, never doubt that. jason is 180 degrees different than you, and he's wonderful, but it's comparing apples and oranges. you two are nothing alike.
-YOU SAW LADY GAGA?! BITCH! lol, damn, i'm jealous!
-stop being sick. i'm still sick, not as bad, but head cold/nausea/GI symptoms still persist.
-ted comments on your wall from time to time, were you all a thing? he's handsome. (you, by the way, are looking better all the time, good going on losing weight!) be nice to him, he could be something good in your life.
-i've had caffeine, sorry, i'm writing a lot, nerves going 100 mph. huge test tomorrow, can't focus...
