Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If I Bleed My Lies Won't Fill the Emptiness Inside...

It's official, I need to find a boyfriend. I need to feel the connection that goes beyond friendship emotionally and transcends a hookup physically. I just keep looking around at the people I have met in the gay community here and it scares me to death. Most of them are nearing their 30's or older and they are all single. They simply are stuck on this sad awful loop of work and gay bars, with the occasional circuit party or hookup thrown in. Is this what we've come too as a community? A bunch of men at dead end jobs (I know there are plenty of successful gay men out there, but there is an awful majority of them stuck in whatever type jobs that just get them the money they need to pay rent and go out) who will live out the remainder of their days trawling for dick in one place or another. My worst fear incarnate and I get to see it most weekends...
Now, does this mean I am going to just settle down with anyone? God no! I know what a real connection feels like and I am searching for "that feeling". We all know what that feels like- it doesn't matter what you do with your time together as long as you're together (even if that something is fighting). I'm not naive, I know relationships have their problems and perfection doesn't happen. But is it too much to ask for out of life for a little spark towards someone?
How about someone that isn't several hours away, I understand distance isn't a problem in love, but it really makes things difficult when trying to get to know someone. Or has some kind of mental trauma (paranoia or depression), and actually the guys that I speak of like this are the most real and genuine of the bunch that I know, sad right. Maybe it takes a little psychosis to break the spell of cattiness and superficiality.
Another bug problem is the way that nothing in this town remains private... Everyone has slept with everyone else, then friends shift and the cycle begins anew. It almost feels incestuous around here. I get that it shouldn't matter, but I mean let's face it no one wants to be with the guy that the rest of the town has been with. There are some things about a relationship you would like to be kept between you and your partner and well, let's face it gay men don't know how to keep their mouth's shut. I mean, I know other people aren't actually there to watch what happens in the bedroom (unless you like that sort of thing, but that's a whole separate cluster fuck) yet does someone's performance really change from person to person. The last thing I need to hear from people is whether or not my boyfriend was fun in bed, has a big dick, etc.
Well, a rant about my loneliness has turned into a rant for why I'm single. Sorry, just needed to get that one off my chest.

In other news, school is going pretty well this semester. Spring Break is next week. It'll be nice to have a break where I hopefully won't be sick. I need to clean up my room like it's no one's business. I might also travel around a bit, just get out and see something new. Why not? I'm only young once...

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